Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Zoom's Revenue Skyrockets On Pandemic Boost

Despite security concerns and reports of possible links to China, Zoom Video Communications has to be considered one of the biggest beneficiaries of the COVID-19 pandemic. As much of the world has been working from home and relying on technology to stay in touch with colleagues and loved ones amid strict stay-at-home orders, video conferencing apps saw an unprecedented surge in usage, with Zoom one of the most popular options available.

“The COVID-19 crisis has driven higher demand for distributed, face-to-face interactions and collaboration using Zoom. Use cases have grown rapidly as people integrated Zoom into their work, learning, and personal lives,” Eric S. Yuan, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Zoom said earlier this year after his company had reported 169 percent revenue growth for the three months ended April 30.

As the following chart shows, Zoom saw its revenue skyrocket even further in the past three months, accelerating an already impressive upward trend. In the quarter ended July 31, the second quarter of Zoom's fiscal year 2021 [не совсем понял: что бы это значило?], total revenue for the video conferencing company amounted to $664 million, up 355 percent from the same period of last year [2020?]. For the ongoing quarter, Zoom expects revenue between $685 to $690 million as "organizations are shifting from addressing their immediate business continuity needs to supporting a future of working anywhere, learning anywhere, and connecting anywhere on Zoom's video-first platform."Infographic: Zoom's Revenue Skyrockets On Pandemic Boost | Statistaлюбопытно: какое, сэр, тысячелетье на дворе ???


ba.ldei.aga said...

Венесуэла. Сентябрь 2020.
Цена бензина на черном рынке: $4 за 1 литр
Стоимость места в очереди на АЗС с гарантией заправки в тот же день: $7
Взятка полицейскому возле АЗС, чтоб пропустил вас без очереди: $10
Средняя месячная зарплата: $16
Страна победившего социализма.— Гурьянов Сергей (@Segozavr) September 1, 2020

ba.ldei.aga said...

сегодня 2 сентября 2020 года, это так на всякий случай