Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Frontiers in Demographic Research

Online International Autumn School

International Laboratory for Population and Health at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russia) organizes the Online International Autumn School "Frontiers in Demographic Research"

Dates: October-November 2020 (every Wednesday, one day per week)
Location: Zoom
Deadline for applications: September15, 2020

Course description

During the last decades, important methodological approaches for studying mortality and health have been developed in demography and related disciplines. We have invited the leading international scholars to present their cutting-edge research. The course provides an opportunity to learn state of the art in different fields of demography, including methods for measurement and analysis of the levels, components, and determinants of mortality and health; spatial mortality analysis; design and methods of epidemiological studies; digital demography; responses to low fertility. The course will also provide opportunities to test newly obtained knowledge in solving practical issues.

The course will be useful for researchers, master-degree and doctoral students working or studying in the fields of demography, sociology, epidemiology, public health, population geography, and related disciplines. The working language will be English.

Instructors (in alphabetical order)

and others (full list of instructors will be available by September 10, 2020).


This is an online school. We will use Zoom for lectures and seminars. Course participants are also welcome to contact instructors via email. The School will run over eight weeks with one teaching day per week: every Wednesday during October-November. The teaching day will (usually) start at 2 pm and will include two lectures and two seminars with breaks. The preliminary schedule will be published by September 10, 2020.

Provisional schedule

To be published by September 10 on the web site of the Laboratory (www.demogr.hse.ru).
The first meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 7 October.

Course prerequisites

Participants should be familiar with the life table construction and other basics of demography approximately corresponding to the textbook Preston et al. (2001) Chapters 1-3, 7, and 9 prior to the commencement of the course (or another textbook covering mortality rates and the life table). We expect also the ability to use Excel, basic commands of the R language, including data handling and for-loops.


Students will be evaluated on the basis of completion of assignments, including both practical and conceptual parts, and participation in discussions.

Tuition fees

The course is given for free.

How to apply

Applications (in English) should be sent by email to the HSE (address below). Please begin your e-mail message with a statement saying that you apply for Online International Autumn School. You also need to attach the following items integrated in a single pdf file:

1. A curriculum vitae, including a list of your scholarly publications – please do not forget to include contact details.
2. A short statement of your research and how it relates to the course.

Send your email to Vera Sokolova (vsokolova@hse.ru).

Application deadline is the 15th of September 2020.

Applicants will be informed of their acceptance by the 20th of September 2020.

Applications submitted after the deadline will be considered only if space is available.

Should you have any queries or require additional information, please contact Vera Sokolova at +7 495 772-95-90 (15103), email: vsokolova@hse.ru

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