Monday, April 17, 2023

the Eurasian Azimuth

Spatial Development of Russia: the Eurasian Azimuth

Alexander Tkachenko2021, Economics, taxes & law DOI: 10.26794/1999-849X‑2021-14-6-20-28 

The possibility of its improvement as an integral organism depends on the solution of the multidimensional task of spatial development of Russia. The relevance of the topic of the article is due to the role of infrastructure in this development. The vast expanse of Russia requires the creation of new transport corridors connecting the eastern regions of the country with the western territories, and huge amounts of investment. The subjects of the study are four national projects that directly ensure the spatial development of Russia. The purpose of the work is to establish the importance of a real assessment of the proposed state policy measures aimed at solving the problem of spatial development of Russia and the role of the eastern regions in this. A structural analysis of the spatial development of Russia has shown that the creation of a new and modernization of the existing transport infrastructure, as well as ensuring the operation of broadband communication systems throughout the territory, is an imperative need for the development of Russian regions as interconnected parts of a common geo-economic space. It is shown that the renewal of infrastructure at a new technological level leads to changes in the structure and quality of employment in this sector of the economy, requiring special attention to the training of labor for the maintenance of infrastructure facilities. Analysis of the legislative initiative for the implementation of a new infrastructure program in the United States leads to the conclusion that it is important to implement new infrastructure changes through the prism of climate change.

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