Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Healthcare Industry Study Puts Berlin in Top 3 Worldwide

An international study of the healthcare industry shows Berlin-Brandenburg as being world-class.

Coming in third after Boston and London, Berlin beats Singapore and Copenhagen in the ranking of leading locations for the healthcare industry, putting the German capital top in the EU. Small wonder, with more than 600 established companies from the biotech, medical technology, and pharmaceutical sectors. Add the 145 regional hospitals, around 40 research institutes in the field of life sciences, and 30 institutions of higher education, that makes for a strong industry-specific cluster in Berlin-Brandenburg.

The commissioned study by the WifOR Institute and SNPC analyzes among other things the thematic focus on the cluster in the cities studied, technology transfer, financing and start-up activity, digitization, networks and cooperations, as well as economic data.

A detailed SWOT analysis reveals the following strengths of the Berlin capital region:
distinction of the relevant players, be it from business or science
excellent networking of the players within the healthcare industries cluster
Berlin as a city is a magnet for industry-related talent
prominence in global health

Corporate and funding structures were rated as particularly good.

Berlin ranks among the world’s leading healthcare industry clusters – © Berlin Partner

According to the benchmark study, the Berlin-Brandenburg cluster has what it takes to catch up with the two top clusters in the Boston and London regions. “It should be emphasized here,” they write, “that the comparative clusters selected are the world’s top clusters in the life science sector.”

“The World Health Organization (WHO) has just opened the ‘Global Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence’ in Berlin,” Dr. Stefan Franzke, Managing Director of Berlin Partner, points out. “A global data ecosystem is being created where everything revolves around pandemic and epidemic intelligence. Startups are also doing well, with companies like Caresyntax, Ada Health and T-Knife announcing funding rounds of $300 million in recent months.”

Peter Albiez, Cluster Spokesperson HealthCapital Berlin-Brandenburg and Lead Patient and Physician Engagement, Pfizer International, comments, “We have been confirmed in our assessment that the Berlin-Brandenburg capital region is in the Champions League of the most important healthcare locations. This confirmation is an incentive for us to do even better. This applies in particular to technology transfer and attracting venture capital. We must work on this together – politics, business and science – in the coming years. To turn our vision into reality: to set new standards in life sciences and healthcare in Berlin-Brandenburg.”

To find out more about Berlin’s Health Industry read our story on AI Applications in Digital Health, an Interview with Peter Albiez, Country Manager, Pfizer Germany, or about Berlin’s famous health tech district Buch.

Visit the website HealthCapital Berlin-Brandenburg.

Text: Olaf Bryan Wielk, ideenmanufaktur

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