Saturday, August 26, 2023


Organised by the Uyinene Mrwetyana Foundation, the walk is set to start at UCT's Roscommon Residence, where the slain 19-year-old student lived, on Saturday morning.

This past Thursday marked four years since the 19-year-old University of Cape Town (UCT) student was raped and killed while collecting a parcel at the Clareinch Post Office in Claremont. Picture:

Lauren Isaacs | 26 August 2023 08:03

CAPE TOWN - Scores of people are expected to gather in Claremont on Saturday morning for a gender-based violence (GBV) and femicide awareness walk, organised by the Uyinene Mrwetyana Foundation.

This past Thursday marked four years since the 19-year-old University of Cape Town (UCT) student was killed after going to collect a parcel at the Clareinch Post Office in Claremont.

She went missing before she was found raped and murdered.

Post office employee Luyanda Botha confessed and was handed three life sentences in the Western Cape High Court in 2019.

The walk will start at UCT's Roscommon Residence where the young woman lived, and one of the stops will be the post office in Claremont, which the deceased's family plans to convert into a wellness centre for women and children.

UCT Spokesperson Elijah Moholola said the university would join the morning's event, as it remembers Mrwetyana as a young student whose life was characterised by determination and a passion for positive change.

He said the young woman demonstrated exceptional academic prowess, an unwavering commitment to her studies, and an infectious enthusiasm for life.

"To honour her legacy, UCT created the Uyinene Mrwetyana Scholarship in the Faculty of Humanities. We remember Uyinene as not just a victim of violence, but a champion for humanity, equality and justice. Let her life inspire us to strive for a society where everyone feels safe, valued and heard."

GBV awareness walk to mark 4 years since Uyinene Mrwetyana's murder


ba.ldei.aga said...

gbv=gender based violence

ba.ldei.aga said...

​​Возле «Вагнер-Центра» напали на журналистку Al Jazeera

Рания Дриди, палестинская арабка, журналистка катарского телеканала Al Jazeera, подверглась нападению на Зольной улице в Санкт-Петербурге, перед зданием, известным как «Вагнер-Центр».

По ее словам, неизвестный мужчина без всякого повода набросился на нее, ударил по голове и скрылся. Дриди госпитализирована с черепно-мозговой травмой. Полиция приняла жалобу и начала расследование. Журналистка воздерживается от комментариев, но, по некоторым данным российских СМИ, она считает, что нападение совершил бездомный.

Неясно, произошло ли нападение во время репортажа. Рания Дриди освещает войну в Украине.

Все события, связанные с «Вагнер», сегодня привлекают повышенное внимание, так как 23 августа в Тверской области разбился самолет, в результате чего, по официальной версии, погиб глава ЧВК «Вагнер» Евгений Пригожин, его ближайший помощник Дмитрий Уткин и еще восемь человек.