Wednesday, October 5, 2022

the 2nd DT in PRC?

Announcing a forthcoming special issue of the China Population and Development Studies on the applicability and evidence of the Second Demographic Transition in Asian contexts. The issue is edited by Baochang Gu, Stuart Gietel-Basten and myself [Ron Lesthaeghe, emeritus prof. Vrije Univ. Brussels // Kon. Vlaamse Academie van België/ Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium Arts & Sciences.Bredene, Flemish Region, Belgium]. It contains three commentaries and four country-specific articles on Japan, P.R. China, Indonesia and India. Further articles on SDT aspects will be forthcoming in subsequent issues of CPDS.

Attached here is the abstract of my introductory commentary
[камент см по ссылке, извиняюсь за грубое слово]

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