Sunday, October 23, 2022

Handbook of Palaeodemography

This book series is devoted to publications of international relevance in population studies and demography as promoted by the French National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED, Paris). As one social science among many, demography is interlinked with related disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, history or linguistics, and continuously explores its boundaries with neighbouring disciplines, ranging from epidemiology and biology to economics. The studies published in this series are based on solid empirical research and firm methodological foundations or research findings. Particular attention is paid to long-term and/or collaborative surveys.

The series provides international visibility toworks of high academic standard, and promotes an internationally acknowledged style of demographic research, upheld by INED for more than half a century and rekindled in various fields such as the study of demographic situations around the world, the relationship between demographic conditions and development; international comparisons; migration, identities and territories; family studies; gender studies and sexuality; ageing, health and mortality; trajectories, mobility and social networks.

INED Population Studies Volume 2
Eric Brian and Jean-Marc Rohrbasser Editorial Advisory Board Isabelle Attane, Didier Breton, Youssef Courbage, Olivia Ekert-Jaffe, Cecile Lefevre, Godelieve Masuy-Stroobant, Wilfried Rault, Arnaud Re´gnier-Loilier, Claudine Sauvain-Dugerdil

παλαιός — древний (по древнегречески), то-есть, про модели гл.обр.

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