Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Where do we stand?

The EU New Pact on Asylum and Migration Two Years on

Join us to explore the main policy developments at the EU level that occurred since the adoption of the New Pact

When: 22 September 5 PM CET. Where: Online, Webex

In September 2020, the EU Commission launched its New Pact on Asylum and Migration, which lays out the EU legislative and policy agenda for the years to come.

The New Pact states, among other policy objectives, that ‘the EU asylum and migration management system needs to provide for the special needs of vulnerable groups’. It also announces specific protection measures for the most vulnerable asylum seekers and refugees, such as the exemption from accelerated border processes, relocation to another EU member state or resettlement to the EU.

This VULNER talk will take stock of the main policy developments at the EU level that occurred since the adoption of the New Pact. Discussions will seek to identify suitable strategies to develop and implement specific protection measures for the migrants and refugees who find themselves in the most vulnerable positions. Speakers will also address the conditions under which such specific protection measures may contribute to addressing and reducing vulnerabilities in migration more broadly.

We will discuss it with the following experts:

  • Esther Pozo-Vera, Head of Asylum Unit, DG Home Affairs, EU Commission
  • Marcus Engler, DeZIM, German Centre for Integration and Migration Research, Berlin, Germany
  • Ulrike Hornung, Head of Directorate Migration, Refugees, European Harmonization, Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI), Germany
  • Cathryn Costello, Professor, University of Oxford and Hertie School, Berlin, Germany
  • Sabrina Marchetti, Professor, Ca’Foscari University of Venice, Venice, Italy
  • Geert Knockaert, Head of Asylum and Reception Cooperation and Guidance Unit, EUAA

Moderation will be done by Susanne Höb, Population Europe

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