Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The Ideological Origins of PAA

В евгенике, как таковой, ничего плохого нет. Она скомпрометирована нацистами, как и фашизм. К социализму другое отношение, хотя он тоже в дерьме, но там Че Гевара, Троцкий и полным полно положительных? героев. Стоит отметить, что PAA создала Margaret Sanger, как и международное демографическое движение (оно на самом деле международное).


Ba.ldei.aga said...

The list of persons invited to the founding session of the Population Association of America in 1931 is used to define the field of population studies in the United States from 1900 to 1930. Four factions are identified: immigration restrictionists, eugenicists, birth controllers, and population scientists. The history and ideological orientation of each group is outlined. The period was characterized by dissension, as different ideological perspectives produced discordant appraisals of population trends. Biological Malthusians focused on compositional changes in population and their impact on genetic quality; classic Malthusians focused on changes in numbers and their impact on economic properity. The valuation dimension of demographic assessment is highlighted by surveying population thought in an era of advocacy and controversy.

Ba.ldei.aga said...

properity = prosperity, скорей всего
а насколько 1900-1930 диктует повестку 2000-2030 — вопрос, канешна. интересный