Sunday, March 6, 2022

global terror rating

The latest report from the Institute for Economics and Peace estimates that in 2021, 7,142 deaths were caused by terrorism, globally. Despite this high figure, this is just a third of the level recorded in 2015 and represents a 1.2 percent decrease in 2020. The deaths in 2021 occurred across 44 countries, with 105 of the countries included in the report registering no fatalities - the highest number since 2007.

As stated in the report: "The data shows a shift in the dynamics of terrorism, with it becoming more concentrated in regions and countries suffering from political instability and conflict, such as the Sahel, Afghanistan, and Myanmar. Violent conflict remains a primary driver of terrorism, with over 97 percent of terrorist attacks in 2021 taking place in countries in conflict."

This infographic, using data from The Institute for Economics and Peace's report 'Global Terrorism Index 2022', gives an overview of how the globe is currently impacted by terrorism. As covered in this infographic, Afghanistan is rated as the worst impacted nation in the world. The country was also the location of the deadliest attack of 2021 which was caused by an Islamic State suicide bomber detonated bombs at Afghanistan’s Kabul International Airport, resulting in 170 deaths and injuries to over 200 Infographic: The Impact of Terrorism Around the World | StatistaИнтересная карта, Закавказье и Ср Азия — синие!

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