Saturday, March 19, 2022

Americans Agree on Sanctions, Less on Refugees, Military Action

Americans are showing a united front in their support for helping Ukraine after the invasion of the country as well as putting strict sanctions on Russia. The picture is more mixed on refugees and military action, however. About one third of Americans does not support "admitting thousands of Ukrainian refugees", as the survey by Pew Research Center puts it. Another third is in support of taking military action against Russia even if it would risk nuclear war.

42 percent of U.S. adults said that U.S. support for Ukraine was not enough, while only 7 percent found it too much. 32 percent found it to be the right amount. Among Republicans and those leaning Republican, the share of respondents speaking out for more support was as high as 49 percent, with conservative Republicans taking the lead. Among Democrats, more support was only called for by 38 percent and liberals were most vocal in supporting increased aid.

The views on the Biden administration's response to Russia's invasion were predictably very partisan, with 69 percent of Democrats approving of it and 67 percent of Republicans disapproving.
Infographic: Americans Agree on Sanctions, Less on Refugees, Military Action | Statista

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