Tuesday, December 28, 2021

selection of stopping pandemia experts

если Родина прикажет у нас экспертом становится любой, но
приказать может не только Родина, но становится экспертом не любой, но не все угадывают, в этом прелесть будущего:

Clearly, much of the blame lies at the feet of the people like Drs. Kelly Brogan and Christiane Northrup, who are part of the Disinformation Dozen and are responsible for a large amount of misinformation this pandemic. These luminaries of the anti-vaccine movement often deny that viruses cause illness to begin with and therefore never acknowledged the pandemic ever started. This was all predictable. However, what I did not anticipate was the steady stream of so-called contrarian doctors with stellar credentials and academic appointments who essentially declared the pandemic over several times already, clearly implied it was over by “just asking questions“, or minimized concerns over variants. A sampling of their statements are below, and I expect readers will share further examples in the comments.


а нам можно и на покой :)

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