Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Why will you decline COVID 19 vaccination?

свяжи наркотикам плед
I am not a vaccine skeptic or “anti vaxxer.” I have received all of my standard immunizations (tetanus, hepatitis, etc) and get a yearly flu shot. I have chosen not to receive this vaccine for the timing being, and that is a personal choice. I recognize the vaccines available may be an appropriate choice for some, and encourage those who feel it is right decision for their personal health to go ahead and get the vaccine.

My personal reasons are these:
1. The risk of COVID is for me minimal. For some it is not. If you are elderly, have a compromise immune system, or are otherwise in a high risk category, you should consider getting vaccinated. I am not, and I feel comfortable continuing to use a mask, social distance, wash my hands thoroughly, and otherwise protect myself as I do with other illnesses. I’m aware that if I get covid, there is a risk I may be severely impacted or even die, but life has many risks. I assume risk every time I buckle my seatbelt and start my car.
2. Although the vaccines appear to be relatively safe, we don’t have long term data on their safety and side effects. Most common vaccines are tested for ten or more years before wide distribution. The human test run is occurring right now in real time. Some of the short term side effects are alarming, such as blood clots. The injections were initially approved for emergency use, and for me, this is not an emergency.
3. I approach large corporate entities like pharmaceutical companies with inherent skepticism, knowing their ultimate aim is profit. This doesn’t mean their products are not life saving and in many cases change the world for the better, but pharmaceutical companies also brought us the opioid crisis (as one example). I evaluate each product on a case by case basis and decide what’s best for my health. If I choose not to take opioids, for instance, that doesn’t make an anti-medicine. I take plenty of other life saving medications my doctor prescribes. Likewise, choosing not to take this vaccine right now does not make me an anti vaxxer. I may take it in the future after I learn more.
4. On a purely personal note, I find the social pressure campaign around these particular products distasteful. I do not assume responsibility for others’ health or others’ personal decisions. My responsibility extends to myself and my family, full stop. Any moralizing around the need to purchase these pharmaceutical products for the sake of others is something I dismiss out of hand. Other people have different values when it comes to this issue, and I respect that.


ba.ldei.aga said...


Меня постоянно спрашивают, насколько защищает вакцина от COVID-19, когда закончится прививочный иммунитет, может ли заразиться и заразить других привитый и т. п. Вот и Антон Красовский истерит, хотя и болеет благодаря вакцине в очень легкой форме, да и вакцинировался полгода назад. А оясняю.

Итак, различные вакцины дают разную степень защиты, но это, как вы понимаете, среднестатистическая эффективность и для конкретного привитого цифра может отличаться.

Когда говорят, что спутник эффективен в 97,6% (по результатам анализа 3,8 млн вакцинированных россиян), а Синовак в 70% случаев, речь идет о наблюдениях через 2-2,5 месяца после полной вакцинации. По стандартам ВОЗ вакцина считается хорошей, если эффективна более чем 50% случаев.

Известно, что после заболевания с развернутой клинической картиной в легкой и среднетяжелой формах иммунитет у заметной части переболевших утрачивается уже через 6-9 месяцев, после чего они могут заболевать повторно. К счастью, качественные исследования показали, что у большинства повторно переболевших заболевание протекает легче по сравнению с первым разом.

Посему, трудно ожидать чего-то большего от вакцин. Да, у большинства переболевших и привитых РНК-вой (От Пфайзера или Модерны) и векторной на аденовирусе (“Спутник V”, от Астры-Зенеки и Johnson & Johnson) формируется ещё и достаточно эффективный T-клеточный иммунитет на 1 год и более, но по определению он срабатывает не так быстро, как уже циркулирующие антитела в высоких титрах, а потому гарантирует лишь то, что инфицированный переболеет в гораздо более лёгкой форме, нежели бы он был не привит.

По моим личным наблюдениям: из примерно 3 500 привитых в моей конторе заболели на сегодня 5 человек, привитых в январе-феврале. Из них 4 перенесли в очень легкой форме, один и вовсе бессимптомный (диагноз установлен по ПЦР), все путешествовали с посещением международных аэропортов, 4 заразились от своих непривитых жён. Только один переболел в легкой форме с развернутой клинической картиной, заразился от супруги, которая прививалась вместе с ним, а от детей, принесших инфекцию из международной школы.

Кстати, о международных штаммах. Пока что «Спутник V» эффективен против новых штаммов, но эффективность эта всё же ниже в отношении некоторых из них. Вакцину будут, конечно, «подкручиваться», но надо иметь в виду, что южноафриканский или индийский штаммы могут пробить спутниковый иммунитет, хотя всё, конечно, дозозависимо.

Совет: если прошло 6-9 месяцев после болезни или первичной вакцинации, надо поставиь бустер (вакцинация или ревакцинация соотвественно). Пока что рекомендаций нет и уверенно можно говорить только о безопасной и эффективной ревакцинации (бустеризации) только чумаковским КовиВаком. Ревакцинация тем же «Спутником V» или «Спутником Лайт» (это просто 1 укол «Спутника V») на поверку оказалась тоже весьма эффективной, но насколько это безопасно, пока точно не известно, потому рекомендовать для широкой аудитории не имею права. Можно позаморачиваться с проверкой антител IgG к s-белку и тянуть до тех пор, пока они не уйдут в «серую зону», но практического смысла в этом нет, только деньги потратите.


ba.ldei.aga said...

Dave Chamberlin, Clinical Analyst (1995-present)

I won’t because I’m not selfish and believe in science and statistics.

ba.ldei.aga said...

Lee Simes, Australian Atheist Ratbag
ответ на тот же вопрос

I am not normally given to insulting people but reading some of these comments has fired me up well and truly.

To oppose vaccination against this beast is in every direction stupid and I will state my reasons.

(1) The first round of the beast has killed millions.

(2) Many of those that have died have been influenced by malevolent, self interested politicians and the banal ravings of clerics and antivaxxers.

(3) A feature that has not been much addressed in the media is that a large percentage of survivors of severe infection will be left with chronic respiratory disease.

(4) So far the beast has mutated only to produce variants that affect transmissibility and incubation period. It seems to have not managed to mutate such as to render current vaccines ineffective……. Yet.

(5) The longer we give it by vaccine refusal and hesitancy then the longer it has to mutate.

(6) If it mutates against the vaccine we are back 18 months and there is not a single country on this planet can afford the cost of that.

(7) Should this occur, it will not be the beast that kills us, we will be killing each other in the streets over a crust of bread.

It is the solemn and sacred duty of every human on this planet to achieve herd immunity in the shortest possible time. There is only one way to achieve that and that is grab any vaccine you can ASAP. It must be stopped in this first strain. We won't get a chance with a second round.

For the sake of the survival of human society we must grasp this only chance. We must all strive to herd immunity to save humanity. Even those who have had the disease need to accept vaccination to show that they have no fear of it. It is so serious that the objectors and hesitant have to be seriously pressured, humiliated even forced to comply. In this situation, individual freedoms to think and behave like selfish, ignorant morons cannot be tolerated. We are talking about the survival of our species.

ba.ldei.aga said...

Richard Noakes

Test vaccines are just that. If you want to know what the term means go to Wiki and have a look at Joseph Mengele after World War 2 and what he did and what happened to him.

If you want to know why I will always decline a test vaccine have a look on my Twitter Blog RichardNoakes19 and follow the links you find there.

If you want my advice, do this:

WhiIe am not opposed to test vaccines, as they appear to work in the longer term, however, is what they might do to the body is an unknown factor and that, to me, is a much scarier issue and what their long term impact will be on those who have been "test" vaccinated and died, or now have lifetime illnesses they never had before: Refer VAERS, UK Yellow Card Scheme and The EU reporting scheme, scary stuff indeed.

Coronavirus Achilles Heel: A Coronavirus is a virus that causes an infection in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat. It can lead to pneumonia (4)(5). Most Coronaviruses are not dangerous. Some types of them are serious, such as MERS and SARS (6). The name comes from the crown-like appearance the virus displays. Mercola

1 heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm water, (can be cold) cup a hand and sniff or snort the whole lot up, spitting anything which comes down into your mouth – no reaction fine, blow out your nose, flush away, washing your hands afterwards, you don’t have a virus .

A reaction, you have a virus – retain the salt water in your head for as long as the soreness lasts (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose, flush away, washing hands afterwards and do this treatment 3 times a day, morning, noon, night, or more often, until the soreness goes away, when you have killed off the virus in your head and you won’t get the disease it will become, as I have done these past 26.5 years and to this (I am never ill), I add those virus related diseases which remain unknown to us, but are delivered by a virus, as in (unspecified) air pollution. Simple.

Try it, if you are satisfied with the results, pass the cure along, if results are not excellent, there are still the untested, trial vaccines to fall back on.

I never have Flu shots, or this vaccine either.

No point doing the above salt water cure and then having vaccine shots too – like Duh!!

About 26.5 years ago, I read the report from a posh Research Center in America, where the author suggested, in his research paper, that his experiments with Salt Water cured flu type colds and he in turn referred to the Swedish or Norwegian Army (I think), who had barrels filled with Salt Water, attached to a hose, out of the bottom, which soldiers used to flush out their heads, when they thought they were getting a cold – and their troops never got colds.

I have been doing it ever since and neither do I, from any virus related “thing”.

For the past 26.5 years I have NEVER been ill from any external virus, or disease and that I am alive today, is proof of that, just the same as Edward Jenner did back in 1776 to find a vaccine cure for Cow Pox, on which the vaccines of today are based.

ba.ldei.aga said...

There are weak salt water spray preparations you can buy from your local chemist, to clear your head. To my way of thinking, (as above) you need a stronger salt water solution to wash out your inner head and no spray is ever going to be enough to do that, which is proof of safety concerns, regarding salt, as above.

If you are allergic to salt – don’t do as I suggest!!

Virologists are not interested in the head, they are only interested in Covid, once it is in the body (10 to 14 days of self isolation later), but I say, kill off the Coronavirus in the head, before it ever gets to become Covid in the head and body, which makes total sense to me, because never getting Covid or whichever new variant it has become is the safest option available.

It comes down to choice. Yes or No, as simple as that. Your life, your choice!!

Do my free, salt water sniffle and remain safe and please. pass it around to anyone who will listen and ask them to pass it on too and this way, we can defeat Coronavirus BEFORE it is allowed to become Covid and stop all Variants dead, which test vaccines, or vaccines will never do.

Test vaccines just make the Covid Variants stronger, for example in the last 6 months since they test vaccines were released and we now have Covid Delta which is winning partly over the test vaccinated with 400 breakout infections daily in England alone, it has been reported, so the next variant, or the one after that, Ad Infinitum, will eventually be, vaccine unstoppable.

Richard Noakes