Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The frontier of simulation-based inference

By Kyle Cranmer, View ORCID ProfileJohann Brehmer, and Gilles Louppe
PNAS first published May 29, 2020; https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1912789117
Edited by Jitendra Malik, University of California, Berkeley, CA, and approved April 10, 2020 (received for review November 4, 2019)

Many domains of science have developed complex simulations to describe phenomena of interest. While these simulations provide high-fidelity models, they are poorly suited for inference and lead to challenging inverse problems. We review the rapidly developing field of simulation-based inference and identify the forces giving additional momentum to the field. Finally, we describe how the frontier is expanding so that a broad audience can appreciate the profound influence these developments may have on science.

Mechanistic models can be used to predict how systems will behave in a variety of circumstances. These run the gamut of distance scales, with notable examples including particle physics, molecular dynamics, protein folding, population genetics, neuroscience, epidemiology, economics, ecology, climate science, astrophysics, and cosmology. The expressiveness of programming languages facilitates the development of complex, high-fidelity simulations and the power of modern computing provides the ability to generate synthetic data from them. Unfortunately, these simulators are poorly suited for statistical inference. The source of the challenge is that the probability density (or likelihood) for a given observation—an essential ingredient for both frequentist and Bayesian inference methods—is typically intractable. Such models are often referred to as implicit models and contrasted against prescribed models where the likelihood for an observation can be explicitly calculated. The problem setting of statistical inference under intractable likelihoods has been dubbed likelihood-free inference—although it is a bit of a misnomer as typically one attempts to estimate the intractable likelihood, so we feel the term simulation-based inference is more apt.

The intractability of the likelihood is an obstruction for scientific progress as statistical inference is a key component of the scientific method. In areas where this obstruction has appeared, scientists have developed various ad hoc or field-specific methods to overcome it. In particular, two common traditional approaches rely on scientists to use their insight into the system to construct powerful summary statistics and then compare the observed data to the simulated data. In the first one, density estimation methods are used to approximate the distribution of the summary statistics from samples generated by the simulator. This approach was used for the discovery of the Higgs boson in a frequentist paradigm). Alternatively, a technique known as approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) compares the observed and simulated data based on some distance measure involving the summary statistics. ABC is widely used in population biology, computational neuroscience, and cosmology. Both techniques have served a large and diverse segment of the scientific community.

Recently, the toolbox of simulation-based inference has experienced an accelerated expansion. Broadly speaking, three forces are giving new momentum to the field. First, there has been a significant cross-pollination between those studying simulation-based inference and those studying probabilistic models in machine learning (ML), and the impressive growth of ML capabilities enables new approaches. Second, active learning—the idea of continuously using the acquired knowledge to guide the simulator—is being recognized as a key idea to improve the sample efficiency of various inference methods. A third direction of research has stopped treating the simulator as a black box and focused on integrations that allow the inference engine to tap into the internal details of the simulator directly.

Amidst this ongoing revolution, the landscape of simulation-based inference is changing rapidly. In this review, we aim to provide the reader with a high-level overview of the basic ideas behind both old and new inference techniques. Rather than discussing the algorithms in technical detail, we focus on the current frontiers of research and comment on some ongoing developments that we deem particularly exciting.

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