Friday, September 18, 2020

Same-Sex Married Couples Have Higher Income

same sex couple
Than Opposite-Sex Married Couples

Same-sex married couples have a higher median household income than opposite-sex married couples but their poverty rates are not significantly different, according to 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) findings released today.

The ACS asks respondents their relationship to the householder (person who rents or owns a home and whose name is on the deed/lease). Until last year, respondents could only identify themselves as a spouse or an unmarried partner (sometimes referred to as cohabiting couple).

To improve the measurement of same-sex couples, the 2019 ACS separated each of these categories so respondents could specify whether these were opposite- or same-sex relationships. In this analysis, we only consider married couples that include the householder.

Overall, same-sex married couples had a higher median household income than opposite-sex married couples: $107,200 and $96,930, respectively.

Continue reading about differences between and among same-sex and opposite-sex married couples in household income and poverty rate, age groups, and geographic comparisons.

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