Thursday, September 24, 2020

Federal Funding But By State

The coronavirus pandemic has caused economic devastation of historic proportions across the United States with unemployment swiftly rising to nearly 15 percent after it erupted, a fifth of households becoming food insecure and tens of millions of tenants suddenly finding themselves facing eviction. The level of economic carnage reached a level not seen in the U.S. since the Great Depression and policymakers set out to enact several bills to support individuals, businesses and local governments. That saw some $1.7 trillion shelled out in the form of loans or federal programs and the effort was generally successful, seeing unemployment drop back to 8.4 percent by early September. Meanwhile, the CDC moved to give tenants protection by implementing an eviction moratorium.

A new analysis by the Peterson Foundation took a look at how funding has been distributed by state and this infographic provides an overview of its findings. The funding is based on 13 different coronavirus relief programs ranging from the Paycheck Protection Program to FEMA Disaster Relief funding up to September 14th. Out of all states, California has received the highest amount of funding at just over $231 billion while New York and Texas had the second and third-highest amount at $132.8 billion and $124.7 billion, respectively. The lowest funding was provided to Wyoming and Vermont, both of which still had the lowest number of coronavirus cases in the country as of September 21st.Infographic: Federal Coronavirus Funding By U.S. State | Statista
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