Monday, June 8, 2020

Social distancing and social contact before COVID-19

при этом подозреваю: социальная дистанция — это на самом деле не социальная дистанция, а вполне физическая
почему слова теряют смысл? мне непонятно

нaведение пойнтера на кортинко покажет её название: фиг 1 и 2, но не только


Subsequent to the arrival of SARS-CoV-2 and emergence of COVID-19, policy to limit the further spread has focused on increasing distance between individuals when interacting, termed social distancing, and limiting the frequency of interaction by preventing non-essential and large-scale social gatherings. This work offers cross-cultural insight into social distancing and social interactions in the pre-pandemic period. Combining unique data on frequency of contact, religious service attendance and preferred interpersonal distance in 20 countries, this work considers variation in the extent to which social distance was already practiced without official recommendations and underscores notable cross-cultural variation in the extent to which social interaction occurred. Results suggest that policy intervention should emphasise certain behavioural changes based on pre-existing context-specific patterns of interaction and interpersonal distance rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.

Keywords: #Interpersonal_distance (мутновато, но таки ближе, чем следующее), #Social_distance, #Social_interaction, SARS-CoV-2, #COVID-19, #Coronavirus

Figure 1: Relationships between social contact, religious service attendance and interpersonal distance
The clustered scatter plots show pre-pandemic comparisons of social contact, religious service attendance and interpersonal distance (preferred distance from strangers, acquaintances and close friends). The scale is standardized and reports z-scores for the measures on the y-axis and x-axis. On both axes, higher values indicate greater interpersonal distance and more frequent social interaction. A hypothetical context, labelled “Soc. Res.”, indicates a socially restricted context with average interpersonal distance maintained in accordance with WHO recommendations (100cm) and limited social contact (meeting friends once a month and no religious service attendance). Similar groupings of countries are encircled and highlighted in the same colour.
Figure 2: Cluster analysis of social contact, religious service attendance and interpersonal distance by age, sex and overall
The cluster analysis shows pre-pandemic measures of social contact, religious service attendance and interpersonal distance (preferred distance from strangers, acquaintances and close friends) by age, sex and overall. To present the analysis, standardised cluster plots are used the report two scaled dimensions of the cluster analysis.  The x-axis and y-axis indicate relative position on scales derived from first and second order dimensions in terms of the extent to which within-group variation is explained.  A hypothetical context, labelled “Soc. Res.”, indicates a socially restricted context with average interpersonal distance maintained in accordance with WHO recommendations (100cm) and limited social contact (meeting friends once a month and no religious service attendance), which was included in the estimation of the clusters.  Similar groupings of countries are encircled and highlighted in the same colour.

1 comment:

ba.ldei.aga said...

Interpersonal distance captures preferences in terms of physical spacing when interacting with others.