Friday, June 26, 2020

Demography is not limited

Demography science is not limited to the study of population distribution by age. Demographers can help elucidate other sources of between- and within-age variations in social distancing levels and infection, hospitalizations, and fatality rates as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 spreads in different settings. Besides chronic diseases, other potential factors include population density, household size and composition, hygienic and sanitary conditions, access to healthcare services, case notification systems, migration and displacement patterns, interregional inequalities, labor-market structure, economic disparities and welfare programs, endemic and other epidemic diseases, early-life conditions, epigenetic mechanisms, and immunosenescence.

Нам нет пре град — это, конечно, верно, но и шютка, с другой стороны
Будущее принадлежит не физике, а таким коротким и быстрым статьям на интернете (как по ссылке). Не знаю за физику, но демография, имхо, в струе, хотя скрепа крепка.

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