Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Evidence-based Survey Operations

Michael Bosnjak is director of ZPID

Michael Bosnjak, ZPID - Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information

Event Series:

City, University of London - European Social Survey HQ - NatCen Social Research survey methodology seminar series

Evidence-based survey operations (EBSO) is an approach to the design, preparation, implementation, and post-processing of survey-based projects, requiring that all survey operations-related decisions, such as mode choice, the use of incentives, and fieldwork strategies, should be based on the best available evidence available in the area of survey methodology. The overall aim of this talk is to (1) briefly describe the historical roots, mindset, and rationale of EBSO, and (2) to describe how EBSO can help in identifying promising solutions in decision call situations emerging while designing, preparing, implementing, and post-processing a survey-based project. Finally, (3) selected own research syntheses will be presented, pertaining to issues of evidence availability, representation, and nonresponse in surveys.

Michael Bosnjak is director of ZPID - Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information in Trier, Germany, and Full Professor of Psychological Research Methods at the University of Trier. His research interests include Research synthesis methods, consumer/business psychology, and survey methodology. Before joining ZPID and the University of Trier in 2017, he was the team leader for the area Survey Operations at GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Mannheim, Germany, and Full Professor for Evidence-Based Survey Methodology at the University of Mannheim, School of Social Sciences. Between 2013 and 2016, he was the founding team leader of the GESIS Panel, a probabilistic mixed-mode omnibus panel for the social sciences.

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