Friday, May 15, 2020

covid reproductive number


Risk of spread outside Wuhan

(A) Cumulative number of confirmed cases of 2019 novel coronavirus as of Jan 28, 2020, in Wuhan, in mainland China (including Wuhan), and outside mainland China. (B) Major routes of outbound air and train travel originating from Wuhan during chunyun, 2019. Darker and thicker edges represent greater numbers of passengers. International outbound air travel (yellow) constituted 13·5% of all outbound air travel, and the top 40 domestic (red) outbound air routes constituted 81·3%. Islands in the South China Sea are not shown.

1 comment:

ba.ldei.aga said...

картинка никак не хочет работать, сначала появляется, потом исчезает :(
Это The Lancet, детка