Wednesday, December 18, 2019

maximum natural lifespan of modern humans

bowhead whale
bowhead whale
A team of scientists at the CSIRO [не уверен, но то, что удалось нагуглить, сообщение неожиданное, надо сказать] has discovered 38 years is the maximum natural lifespan of modern humans [что это? кто и как определио? почему почти все живут дольше? потому что чел неестественен]- and it's only our superior lifestyle and medicine that keeps us going beyond that tender age.

They're using new technology to analyze the genome, and they're not only looking at humans.

We don't want you to get jealous, but it turns out the bowhead whale has a natural lifespan of 268 years.

Duration: 2min 59sec
Broadcast: Fri 13 Dec 2019, 8:08am


Juris said...

But I don’t want to be a whale. No books. No TV or cinema. No alcohol. Boring.

ba.ldei.aga said...

it is inconvenient to knock on the keyboard with a fin :)