Sunday, December 8, 2019

in a fridge

Averaging almost 8 hours a day, people around the world spend more time-consuming media than ever before. That’s according to Zenith's latest Media Consumption Forecast, published earlier this year, which shows an interesting trend in media consumption.

For decades, TV was the undisputed number 1 in terms of daily media usage, and it still is if desktop and mobile internet usage are counted separately. If you combine the two, however, total internet consumption is expected to exceed TV consumption for the first time this year.

According to Zenith, daily mobile internet consumption will amount to 130 minutes per day, up from just 80 minutes in 2015. Adding 40 minutes of desktop internet use, total internet use is expected to amount to 170 minutes per day this year, compared to 167 minutes of daily TV viewing. In line with the old advertising adage “money follows eyeballs”, online advertising expenditure is also on the rise and, according to Zenith, surpassed TV ad spending for the first time in 2017.

Please note that time spent with television only includes time with traditionally broadcast channels and stations in this case. According to Zenith time spent with online platforms owned by broadcasters is counted as internet consumption.
Infographic: 2019 Marks an Inflection Point in Media Consumption | Statista Гвельфы и Гиббелины со времённозди

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