Friday, October 18, 2019

The changing patterns of abortion among married women in China, 1984–2005

Birth,   abortions   and   sterilizations   in   China,   1971–2006
CPR на картинке — это contraceptive prevalence rate (скорее всего, доля — пары, состоящих в браке (знаменатель), и использующих какой-либо метод (числитель)

про дробности:

The changing  patterns of abortion among married women in China, 1984–2005

XiaoyingZheng et al
Institute of  Population Research, Peking  University, Beijing 100871, China

1 comment:

ba.ldei.aga said...

At present, abortion is legal for a variety of reasons in most countries of the world, with only 5 countries where it is not permitted for any reason, including saving the life of the mother.

Legal status seems to have a limited effect on levels of abortion: today, levels are not lower in countries with laws which are very restrictive than in countries which are less restrictive.

Maternal mortality ratios resulting from abortions, however, are higher in countries with more restrictive laws