Sunday, May 19, 2019

agree ?

The onion domes of many Russian Orthodox cathedrals reveal the true origin of the Russian state: the Eastern Mediterranean. The eight tips of the cross to the right pertain to Byzantine Orthodoxy, while the crescents at the foot of the crosses to the left are the ancient symbol of Constantinople inherited by the Ottomans.
Москва, золотоглавая
сомнительно, в Киеве таких нет, а Киев первее захуплен царьградским влиянием — ни Москвы, ни России ещё и в помине не было


Ba.ldei.aga said...

The frequent use of the star and crescent moon symbol, which appears on coins, military insignia and, perhaps, as a sometime municipal emblem of the imperial city, appears to be connected to the cult of Hecate Lampadephoros ("light-bearer") in Hellenistic-era Byzantium.[52] In AD 330, Constantine the Great used this symbol while re-dedicating Constantinople to the Virgin Mary.

Ba.ldei.aga said...

там же:
It is known that Anna Notaras, daughter of the last megas doux of the Byzantine Empire Loukas Notaras, after the fall of Constantinople and her emigration to Italy, made a seal with her coat of arms which included two lions facing each other, each holding a sword on the right paw, and a crescent with the left. However, this most likely represents a design that was created after her emigration to Italy.[54] On the other hand, the adaptation of Byzantine forms to Western uses can be seen with the seal of Andreas Palaiologos, which includes the imperial double-headed eagle on an escutcheon, a practice never used in Byzantium