Thursday, February 14, 2019

Has the Situation Changed Since the Soviet Era?

Unfortunately, I cannot cite more recent statistics because the way of classifying registered abortions in the statistics has changed, and the Rosstat data published since 2015 are not compatible with the earlier data. For the period since 2015, we can analyze the dynamic only of a certain category of abortions, for instance induced abortions before 12 weeks performed by a woman’s choice in hospitals operating under the auspices of the Ministry of Health (such abortions amount to 54 percent of all abortions conducted in the framework of the Ministry of Health; the remaining 46 percent comprises miscarriages, abortions for medical reasons, and some other categories).

из интервью В. Сакевич М. Липман

Abortion in Russia: How Has the Situation Changed Since the Soviet Era?

мб, будет и по русски, но пока нет
в картинках есть ошибки — должны исправить

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