Friday, August 10, 2018

The Moscow officials "killed" an initiative of regions to stop abortions for 4 days ("silence period")

As you might have heard last week, some Russian regional authorities tried to stop abortions for 4-6 days to "fight against demographic crisis" through introducing the short-term moratorium on abortions. This was done within the framework of an action "Present me with life!" organised by the Foundation of Social Cultural Initiatives whose head is Svetlana Medvedeva, wife of Prime Minister Medvedev.

The action was met with an outcry from Moscow mass media, politicians and even Ministry of Health. There were over 300 highly critical publications in capital's large and medium mass media outlets. Deputy Head of the Commitee on Economic Policies of the Senate, Sergey Kalashnikov, highly critised the initiative. Taking distance from the initiative, Svetlana Medvedeva also announced that the campaign had purely educative character and never suggested stopping work of the gynaecologists. Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova announced that she does not support the initiative of the regions.
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