Monday, February 12, 2018

New: Human Mortality Database, Version 6

ну! что же тут поделаешь?
Dear HMD user,

You are receiving this message as a registered user of the Human Mortality Database. If you do not want to receive our newsletters, please inform us by sending a message to to unsubscribe.

This is to let you know that we have modified some of the methods used to produce the HMD life tables. The new methods are explained in the revised version of the Methods Protocol (Version 6), available at

Compared to Version 5, Version 6 introduces two new methods, namely, 1) a more precise way to estimate a0, the mean age at death for children dying during the first year of life, and 2) the use of birth-by-month data (where and when available) to more accurately estimate population exposure s. For more details about these changes, see section 7.1 of the revised Methods Protocol on Period life tables and section 6 and Appendix E, on Death rates.

The V5 version of the data on the HMD website has been replaced with the V6 version on December 5, 2017. However, the latest series published under Version 5 of the Methods Protocol have been archived for all HMD countries and will remain available indefinitely (with no further updates) at

Please also note that we have just published a renovated version of the Human Lifetable Database, or HLD (, which is also part of the HMD project. The Human Life-Table Database (HLD) is a collection of population life tables for a multitude of countries and sub-national populations covering many years produced by people outside of the HMD using diverse estimation methods. 

 Vladimir Shkolnikov
Director, HMD

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