Saturday, January 27, 2018

What Does Play a Role in Unintended U.S. Teenage Births ?

what leads to pregnancy
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Contraceptive Methods, Violent Relationships, Teenagers’ Perceptions Play a Role in Unintended U.S. Teenage Births By Paola Scommenga

Provisional data for 2016 show that the U.S. teen birth rate was 20.3 births per 1,000 females ages 15 to 19. This rate is 9 percent lower than in 2015 (22.3 per 1,000) and 51 percent lower than in 2007 (41.5 per 1,000).1 But other wealthy countries have much lower rates: United Kingdom, 13.9 per 1,000; Canada, 9.4 per 1,000; France, 8.8 per 1,000; and Sweden, 5.7 per 1,000. [РФ 25-27, то-есть, ещё выше, что в развитом мире щетаецо неблагополучием]
The researchers used data from the Relationship Dynamics and Social Life (RDSL) study, which identified a random sample of 18-to-19-year-old Michigan women and interviewed them weekly on their relationships, sexual activity, and contraceptive use for more than two years. The current analysis is based on almost 850 racially diverse participants from the study’s first year.
young women from both races used contraception with similar frequency and consistency during the study period, and black women had sex less frequently than their peers.
The perceived side effects of hormonal contraceptives and negative or limited experiences with the health care system may contribute to black women's greater reliance on condoms
Relationships that lead to pregnancy are more serious (longer lasting and more likely to involve cohabitation) but also experienced higher levels of conflict and violence than relationships that did not lead to pregnancy. 

...the men who impregnated women were generally more disadvantaged and had less promising life prospects than all the other men...

...mandating father involvement is not always in the children’s best interest...

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