Monday, July 31, 2017

You May Not Be As Old As You Think You Are

Everyone is saying it. At least everyone who’s facing their senior years. It’s celebrated on birthday cards, proclaimed on memes on social media, and it comes in a variety of presentations. “50 is the new 40!” “60 is the new 50!” and so on.

С другой стороны, некоторые и в 30 лет по части ответственности врятли превзойдут родителей в 15. Для примера
у врачей, вроде, тоже есть концепция (биологического) возраста, отличного от паспортного
зачем она?
для меня — загадка

Consider that the original Social Security Act of 1935 set the minimum age for receiving full retirement benefits at 65. Warren Sanderson, who holds a PhD in economics from Stanford University, and Sergei Scherbov, deputy program director of the World Population Program at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), are asking whether it might just be possible that what we thought was old 82 years ago is not what we think is old today.
в общем, статейка про то, про что Щербов уже неск лет лекции травит, теперь и в солидном журнале для широкой публики

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