в 89 году был в Бостоне, там первый такой пивняк открылся, чувак получил какой-то приз за находчивость :)
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North America and Europe are home to 86 percent of the world's 10,000 craft breweries, according to a new report from Alltech. Interestingly, Europe narrowly edges North America by just three breweries. In terms of countries, the United States is still the epicenter of the craft beer revolution - it has a whopping 4,000 craft breweries. The United Kingdom comes a distant second with 723 regional craft breweries while France rounds off the top three with 654.
This chart shows countreis ranked by number of regional craft breweries in 2015.
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Over the past couple of years, the craft beer revolution has gained serious momentum, especially in the United States. Back in 2008, there were 1,500 US craft breweries and this figure grew to 3,400 in 2014, according to the Brewers Association. A report from Alltech has now revealed that there are 4,483 craft breweries operating across North America in 2015.
How does the rest of the world compare to the scale of the North American craft beer boom? Alltech also examined the number of breweries around the world, finding that Europe actually edges the US by three. All in all, Europe has 4,486 craft breweries and when it comes to individual countries, the United Kingdom comes first with 723. France is in second place with 654 while Italy completes Europe’s top three with 600. There are over 10,000 craft breweries worldwide and 86 percent of them can be found in North America and Europe.
Да, похоже в Штатах завести себе пивоварню заменило прошлую мечту завести себе ресторанчик.
пивоварня посложнее, биохимию надо учить
Как-то я подозреваю что недавний взлёт этого дела произошел в связи с тем, что оборудование и инструкции к пользованию вышли на уровень, когда биохимия и то, что можно варьировать в оборудовании объясняется близко по сложности к процессу ведения бизнеса вообще.
Впрочем, может быть на каждом из этих мини-предприятий и есть кто-то с мастерской по биохимии.
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