Monday, June 23, 2014

simple facts destroy the system

на Украине погиб г-н Миронов, владевший англ и ит языками и сопровождавший итальянского фотографа. На его похоронах выяснилось, что он не просто переводчик, а вполне себе и диссидент, любопытно начало его диссидентства:
He caught on early to the absurdities of Soviet life. As a second-grade student in a village school, he objected when his teacher insisted that March had only 30 days. He told her he knew she was wrong because his birthday was on March 31. When the teacher would not back down, he refused to follow his classmates in obediently writing down the inaccuracy in their notebooks.
“There was a scandal, but Andrei refused to abandon his position,” Scott Shane, now a reporter for The New York Times, wrote in 1994 in “Dismantling Utopia: How Information Ended the Soviet Union.”  “Thus, brandishing his fact like a weapon, was a dissident born.”
напоминает медведевский астрономический маразм

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