Tuesday, April 15, 2014

depopulation in the European part of Russia

The paper introduces the results of a statistical analysis of two components of depopulation, movement through migration and the natural growth of population in the European part of the Russian Federation during the period 1990-2010. The analysis also involves a breakdown by nationality, which is seen to be a driver of quantitative change. A typology analysis is presented with consideration given to trends to demographic growth or decline. The outcome of an analysis via Webb’s typology [если кто в курсе -- что это такое? дайте знать, пож] indicates that depopulation occurs due to natural decline with an increasing role of migration as a driver of depopulation.


Vasyl said...

Друг гугл утверждает что поляки эту типологию любят (видел на ряде польских ссылок класифицирующих регионы по Веббу)
и ссылаются на эту работу:
Webb J.W., The Natural and Migrational Components of Population Changes in England and Wales 1921-1931, Economic Geography, 39,2, 1963.

Vasyl said...

На JSTOR есть:
так что можно и в pdf скачать.

Vasyl said...

эта типология представлена на странице 132 (рисунок 1) - разделение на растущие и убывающие и
8 подтипов:
a Increase. natural gain exceeds net out-migration
b Increase: natural gain exceeds net in-migration
c Increase: net in-migration exceeds natural gain
d Increase: net in-migration exceeds natural loss

e Decrease: natural loss exceeds net in-migration
f Decrease: natural loss exceeds net out-migration
g Decrease: net out-migration exceeds natural loss
h Decrease: net out-migration exceeds natural gain

Ba.ldei.aga said...

оп, ясно
спасибо большое