Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Putin's population policy

ничего не сказано о затруднении доступности аборта, то-есть, про кнут, только пряники (которых не хватает на всех:):
что же будет после 2016 года?
+ немного фантазий :) о росте населения
++ replacement trix
за видео спасибо Марине Давидашвили

1 comment:

ba.ldei.aga said...

On 12 December, President of the Russian Federation, Mr. Vladimir Putin delivered his annual address to the Federal Assembly of the State. Unlike the usual address this speech represented a more long-term vision (covering the next 5 years) of how Russia should develop and what place it should take in global politics. The main message was “Strengthen Russia by enforcing its sovereignty and influence”. In his view this should be achieved through investing more into improving the situation of the middle class, job creation, building democracy (not for external “occupants” but for “ourselves”), encouraging the creation of big national businesses, as well as redirecting Russian ODA for its own needs within the country. The need to greatly improve healthcare, both in its scientific investment and in its personnel development was also mentioned.