Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Heterogeneity of Muslim Palestinian Women in Israel

Уважаемые коллеги,
приглашаем вас принять участие в совместном семинаре Института демографии и Единого архива экономических и социологических данных НИУ ВШЭ

«Демографические вызовы XXI века»

который состоится 6 июля 2016 года
С докладом на тему

Гетерогенность палестинских женщин-мусульманок в Израиле: различные модели участия рабочей силы внутри одной этнической группы

выступит Веред Краус Профессор Департамента социологии и антропологии, Университет Хайфы, Израиль
Начало семинара в 15:00
Семинар состоится по адресу: ул. Мясницкая, 20, ауд. 124.
Язык: английский
Всех, кто планирует принять участие в семинаре, просим подтвердить участие до 5 июля 15:00, заполнив форму: http://goo.gl/forms/EZYvfU0Iy34nqu3k1 или написав Марии Винник (mvinnik@hse.ru)

Vered Kraus, Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Haifa
The seminar’s topic: 

The Heterogeneity of Muslim Palestinian Women in Israel: Different Patterns of Labor Force Participation within One Ethnic Group

The seminar will be organized on Wednesday, July 6, at 15:00 in Myasnitskaya 20, room 124.
Working language: English


The hefty disadvantage Muslim-Palestinian women suffer in the Israeli labor market is well documented. Cultural barriers related to their own tradition and limiting their economic involvement are often used to explain this disadvantage. Challenging this theoretical explanation, we like to show that economic and political considerations further limit the availability of jobs open for Muslim Palestinians in Israel and their quality.

For this end we compare the labor force enrollment of six distinct groups of Muslim women in Israel, using the last Israeli census (2008). The distinction between the five groups is related to geographical location and differential treatment by the state. The groups are: (1) Muslims in the North; (2) Muslims in the Center; (3) Muslims in mixed Arab-Jewish localities; (4) Muslims in the South (Bedouins) residing in so-called “recognized localities”; (5) Muslims in the South (Bedouins) residing in the so-called “unrecognized villages”; and (6) Muslims women in the unilaterally-annexed East Jerusalem.

All groups are similar in terms of religion, live within the same institutional and legal structures, and are exposed to the same macro-economic trends. We argue that treating them as one homogeneous group obstructs our ability to understand the social processes each group undergo. By separating the groups we can better analyze the role of the state and its momentous impacts on the economic conditions and cultural developments within each of the six Muslim groups.

To order passes you can contact Maria Vinnik (mvinnik@hse.ru) until 5 July, 15:00
Будем рады встрече! See you!

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