Saturday, December 12, 2015

Mussolini’s movement sprang from deeply patriotic sources

Тут любопытно, что автор футурист, а теория (если имеет смысл) и практика капитально архаичны, причём у всех: марксова ленинова (пролетарскага) социализма, фашизма и национального социализма (нацизма).
The first recorded political fascio was the Fascio Operaio founded by Garibaldi at Bologna in 1871, a vaguely Socialist affair. Many other political Fasci followed, always meaning some kind of leftist grouping. 
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Italian modernist author of 
We glorify war,’ he declared, as ‘the sole hygiene of the world. [сука, если поп-росту]
11 лет разницы — практически = времени существования третьего рейха
тем не менее, Италия, Германия жывы/здоровы, а СССР почил


ba.ldei.aga said...

хорошая статейка:
the Nationalist writer, Corradini, coined the phrase that Italy was a ‘proletarian’ nation. - See more at:

ba.ldei.aga said...

из вики:
He referred to the accident in the Futurist Manifesto: the Marinetti who was helped out of the ditch was a new man, determined to end the pretense and decadence of the prevailing Liberty style. He discussed a new and strongly revolutionary programme with his friends, in which they should end every artistic relationship with the past, "destroy the museums, the libraries, every type of academy". Together, he wrote, "We will glorify war—the world's only hygiene—militarism, patriotism, the destructive gesture of freedom-bringers, beautiful ideas worth dying for, and scorn for woman".