Wednesday, March 5, 2014

paleoconservative leader

спасибо Рэнди, набравшего кучку ссылок о Путине, как лидере глобальных консерваторов :(англ):

Putin’s Russia really has been mounting a very visible effort to promote itself as a global standard-bearer for conservative values. In a December essay, no less a person than Patrick Buchanan identified Putin as a supporter of the paleoconservative brand of right-wing thought. Writing at The Atlantic, Brian Whitmore outlined what was afoot.

Isaac Chotiner at The New Republic provided a bit of background for this.
Orwell explained, Burnham originally predicted a Nazi victory in World War II. (Britain, typically, was considered “decadent.”) In later years, Orwell continued, Burnham would write about Stalin in “semi-mystical” terms (with a “fascinated admiration”), comparing him to heroes of the past; Burnham didn’t like Stalin’s politics, but he admired his strength. Of Burnham’s odd quasi-regard for Stalinism and its supposedly destined victory over the forces of sickly democratic regimes, Orwell added: “The huge, invincible, everlasting slave empire of which Burnham appears to dream will not be established, or, if established, will not endure, because slavery is no longer a stable basis for human society.”
Conservatives don’t just see the west and President Obama as weak; they also seem envious of Putin’s bullying. “There is something odd,” Benjamin Wallace-Wells wrote in New York magazine, “about commentators who denounce Putin in the strongest terms and yet pine for a more Putin-like figure in the White House.” (хотят своего сукина сына -- ничего удивительного)
Writing at The Federalist, David Ernst made the point that the effort at outreach is global, Europe particularly being a focus.

Putin’s appeal to right in Europe is far more serious. In his speech to the Duma in June of last year French rightwing geostrategist Aymeric Chauprade claimed to address Russia “as a French Patriot” who sees “Russia as a historical ally.”
the world’s true patriots “now turn their attention to Moscow.”  
Recent polling data, projections for the EU elections this May, and the Hungarian government’s recent solicitation of a 14 billion dollar loan from Moscow, however, suggest that Putin’s right turn coincides with widespread European disenchantment with the EU. 
All this fits into the geopolitical doctrine of Eurasianism that seems to have been adopted by the Russian government, one that seeks to hold the Anglo-American powers (and China) at bay while consolidating the ex-Soviet periphery into Russia. Russia has tried to discourage its neighbours from entering into closer ties with the European Union by emphasizing the supposedly malign influence of European culture–Armenia, for one, may have opted for the Eurasian Union over the European Union because of this.
In the American Conservative, Leon Hadar cautioned against some American conservatives’ fondness as a basic misreading of the Russian situation.

Putin was the president that Republicans wished the United States had


Unknown said...

тут скорее БДСМ какой-то

ba.ldei.aga said...

очень многие подозревают чото гомоэротическое и экстремальное